Monday, June 14, 2010

#454 - Ch1 P2

The voice was her husband's, and the emergency? Meg, a tiny, wispy figure of two years who stared up out of a camoflage of brown from the tip of her fairy-like toes to the tufts of her cornsilk hair. The source was apparent. As she stepped closer, she smelled the sweet fragrant scent of Nutella.

"I don't know how she does it. I was just making her another slice of toast, and when I turned around..." Her father shook his head.

"What are we going to do with this chocolate covered honey-bear?" She asked, giving a stern, smile-suppressed glance to her husband.

"Don't worry, I already caught a few photos for you," He said. "Incriminating evidence for the dating years."

"Excellent work, detective. It seems there is only one thing left to do then, and it looks like I'll have to be the one to do it." With that she swept up the tiny figure and tossed her in the tub, giggling, clothes and all, and started washing the chocolate down the drain. As she did so, she was overtaken with the memory of a green grassy bank, and tiny feet tickled by the dancing waters below.

"Is everything okay in here? You've been just sitting like that for a while." Her husband asked, concerned. She'd been unaware that she had been kneeling at the side of the tub for several minutes without moving. A squirming Meg was still being held by her arms, ready to get out and on with her toddlering day. The sound of the last bit of water water slurping down the drain caught her attention. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she had lost track of time.

She didn't say much, but handed Meg to her husband and wrung out her tiny clothes in the tub before rising to her feet. Something was happening to her, and she wasn't sure just what it was.

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