Sunday, June 13, 2010

#454 - Ch1 P1

"There was a reason." The phrase echoed through her mind as the water wove its rivulets down the strands of her hair. Some of them stuck to her neck and face, redirecting the warm water down her freshly washed skin. The humid air mingled with the scent of citrus swept into her down-turned nose as she stared at her red-nailed feet, hoping they would somehow remind her of what this all meant. Suddenly at age thirty she felt as if she had left something behind, but she couldn't be sure what it might be. She stood that way for some time, veiled in her cobweb of wet hair, staring at her reddening feet against their porcelain canvas.

Her mind suddenly flashed with a memory that had been long packed away in a corrugated box in the archives of her mind. There she saw the farm house, white and rickety with a screened in porch. She saw herself moving across the lawn, if it could be called that. It consisted of inconsistent tufts of stunted weed-like grass. As she drew closer to the house she saw a tiny face peering through the screen at her, but when she glanced up to catch its gaze, the face vanished from view. She took a step closer, and...

"We have a tiny emergency out here." A voice shattered her thoughts.

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